Terror Island
"some photos of chess pieces don't want to buy groceries?"
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Strip #10 — Wednesday, July 5, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

Aorist represents the sort of person who will go along with wacky schemes, but insists on adding his own pointless twist on things. Sid just wanted him to give a grocery list to Stephen, but Aorist decided to complicate matters by dressing up like a pirate as well. I've known enough people like that to consider it a stock character type.

Lewis's Notes

I asked Ben what I should write about today, and he suggested "showering" and then "the distinction between maps and lists". We're going to talk about the latter, because I don't have much to say about showering.

On second thought, I'm going to talk about our forums, because they are fun and useful. Ben is a time enthusiast, which I don't really understand, but it motivated him to register the domain "timefan.com" and put up forums there. For time related discussion. We decided they could double as the terror island forums, so that's where our forums are. We have a mnemonic device, though, to make it easier to remember where the forums are. "Terror Island: May Each Fan Aid Napoleon." So, remember that to figure out where the forums are. Or click the button up top.

As per my suggestion of fan-factions, one of our fans, Obdormio, declared himself to be a Stephonian, a bold act which was rewarded with the title of "Stephonian Prime". And that, my friends, is the sort of zany fun that can happen on the forums. It's also a good place to ask me and Ben about the strip, or post recipes you like.

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