Terror Island
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Strip #20 — Friday, July 28, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

This continues the theme of writing flashbacks in a kind of stilted alliterative style. Not only do Lewis and I both think this is a funny idea, but it got a good reaction from fans the first time we used it in a strip (Terror Island #1). We may use this device in the future at some point, but not for at least another month or two.

Lewis's Notes

Ben and I are making the comic from even more long distance than usual today. He is in Michigan, I am in Los Angeles. We're like the odd couple, but with location instead of neatness.

You who are the ones referred here from Fleen: Check back later today, and I will have an update for you. Progress is being made, it will be up when it is up.

Norwegians: You guys rule. You're like 9% of our traffic, and we don't even have any Norway specific references. So, Go Norway. If Sid and Stephen ever take a trip to some other country, you can bet we'll pander to your demographic.

In particular, I'd like to say that one fan of ours, Obdormio, rules, because he was so excited that Stephen was a vexillographer, that he made a flag. That's awesome. Here's the flag:

Stephens flag

Which reminds me: Fan art section!

And lastly, since a number of people asked me about the Kurtz/Stevens comment yesterday, I will explain that further at the webcomic blog I do.

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