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Strip #54 — Monday, October 16, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

While I was taking pictures for this strip, I also took some pictures of Ray (the cat who plays Omicron) drinking from his sink. Cats look really odd when they're drinking, so I figured TI fans might be interested. Doesn't lapping it up seem like an inefficient way to get at the water?

A cat
drinking water

Ray's kind of weird about water in general. He likes to sit on the side of the bathtub while people are showering, for example. And after the shower's over, he will go into the bathtub itself.

So, that's my cat story for today. Over to you, Lewis.

Lewis's Notes

I read a bunch of Alien Loves Predator this weekend. It's a good comic, which I hereby recommend to you.

I am trying to figure out a good costume for Halloween, because Halloween is more fun when one is becostumed. Specifically, I would like a costume that is easy to put together, relatively cheap, and involves obscure philosophy references. Ideas (for me or generally) can be posted on the forum.

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