Terror Island
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Strip #60 — Monday, October 30, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

We recently joined Photo Web Comics, a ranking site. I usually don't get too interested in webcomic lists, but this way of restricting it actually produces a pretty cool feel. You might want to go there and try out a few other photocomics, just for fun. And if want to vote for us, you can do so by clicking on the image below.

Photo Web Comics TopSites

Lewis's Notes

I think that for Halloween I will dress up as a philosophical zombie. This is an awesome costume because the only requirement is that I am functionally identical with a regular person. So, I get to wear normal clothes and act normally. The only difference is that I have no conscious experience of what I am doing.

If I was going to go all out, I would dress up as David Hume, because then I'd get to wear me a turban and be a famous philosopher.

Also, thanks to Lauren of Depth of Field for linking to us.

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