Terror Island
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Strip #81 — Monday, December 18, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

The Terror Island Riddle from the previous strip has been solved! In case you don't remember, the riddle was to figure out how much Hobson's Toothpaste costs. ManCat was the first one with the correct answer: "Legal Defense minus 31 cents." As he realized, strip #4 clearly established the amount Sid paid for the toothpaste.

I'd like to thank everyone else who posted, wrote in, or otherwise participated in the riddle challenge, but there are no such people. Maybe there'll be more of a turnout for the second riddle challenge, which will be posted in the next week or so. Until then, have fun — and happy riddling!

Lewis's Notes

I will have double funny comments next time. Right now I am trying to finish my last bit of work for the semester. Then I get to start on the work I have to do over winter break. It's ok though, I love philosophy, so I am not complaining.

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