Terror Island
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Strip #90 — Monday, January 7, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

So, I noticed that xkcd is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5, specifically. That allows for redistribution and derivative works, provided it isn't done for money, or without crediting him.

Lewis and I don't currently have any plans to use a Creative Commons license for Terror Island, but I've been wondering which one would be the best choice. Attribution-NonCommercial is good, but I could imagine going for one of the ShareAlike ones. Maybe even dropping the NonCommercial too.

I'd like to see some complicated what-if scenarios about consequences of various licenses, since that's the easiest way for me to think about such things. Here's a forum thread for discussing this topic, if you're so inclined.

Lewis's Notes

Everyone should go see Pan's Labyrinth, unless they are allergic to good movies. Also, if someone you know reviews webcomics, make sure to casually mention Terror Island as often as possible until we get the critical acclaim we so richly desire.

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