Terror Island
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Strip #101 — Friday, February 2, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

If you read a lot of webcomics, you may have noticed that some of them have been announcing the fact that they've been nominated for the Webcartoonists' Choice Awards. We didn't get nominated for those. At all. But we did get recognition from the Factitious Webcomic Awards! Terror Island won both Best Gamepiece Photocomic and Best Use of Live Cats. I can assure you that I'm just as honored as you are impressed.

What's more, the FWAs are awarded monthly, so we have a good chance of winning again in a few weeks. Now that's efficient!

Lewis's Notes

I was thinking how awesome cartoons used to be, and how much I missed out on some really good ones. Like, the one where the main character was a superhero musician who fought against an evil rock group.* Truly outrageous. Anyways, I am also slightly saddened that I missed out on the new Ninja Turtles tv show, because according to the plot synopsis off of wikipedia, it is the greatest story ever told.**

*I am just guessing that this show is awesome based solely on the premise. I haven't actually seen it.

**The greatest story about turtles with ninja training, at least.

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