Terror Island
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Strip #119 — Friday, March 16, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

I actually took the pictures for the last three panels of today's strip on Earth, at the university closest to my house. I'm willing to go to some effort for photocomics (I went on location to Japan for FOMS once, for example), but building a full university on the moon, even a gamepiece-sized one, just wouldn't be cost-effective. I hope you understand.

Lewis's Notes

I am beta testing some archives. I'll add the navigation button to the page template when I get the archives up to date.

As much as I wish I'd gone to Center of the Earth University, I think I am proud to be a terrestrian. We don't do as much cannon-oriented punishment, and we aren't required by law to attend reunions.

On the other hand, CotEU students get to major in things that Ben and I make up because they sound cool, so, there are some trade-offs involved.

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