Terror Island
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Strip #168 — Monday, July 9, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

The events in panel 3 were Ray's idea. He's good at knocking over things that I'm pointing a camera at, which usually delays comic production. In this case, though, it turned out to be really helpful. Much better than our original idea for that panel, which was basically "Trap continues to sit there untriggered, so they give up on it."

I am not ashamed to admit that our plot ideas can be improved by the advice of a cat.

Lewis's Notes

I just watched Short Circuit again the other day, and realized that my memory of it is largely intermingled with my memory of Short Circuit 2. Also, the non–Steve Gutenberg good guy was the villain in the movie Hackers, which is weird. The oddest thing, though, is that originally, the screenplay was a dark thriller in which the sentient robot went on a killing spree, and it apparently morphed into a comedy over the course of several revsions.

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