Terror Island
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Strip #203 — Friday, September 28, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

I guess it's a good thing Czars in Geography City don't have much actual power.

Lewis's Notes

People have been asking what the deal is with the phrase "Pleased to net your acquaintance." The phrase has its origins one awesome day, when Ben and I were at UR, and Ben had a net for some reason. We were trying to come up with net related puns that one might use while casting the net over someone (for comedic effect), such as "Net to meet you" and the like.

Our often-grumpy friend Reid happened to be around, and I threw the net at him, saying, "Pleased to net your acquaintance." Reid was not amused by my clever wordplay, nor by the fact that he had had a net thrown at him. I think he also pointed out that I already knew him, and so the line was inappropriate. The moral of the story is that the phrase comes from one time that I threw a net at a friend. In the Terror Island universe, however, it is the standard greeting, and the word 'net' is used in the sense of 'acquire' or 'obtain.'

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