Terror Island
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Strip #206 — Friday, October 5, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

I think Ally is kind of stepping outside the bounds of normal interviewing practice here. That's because she's a loose cannon who plays by her own rules.

Watch for her upcoming spinoff: "Ally Cs: Maverick Reporter."

Lewis's Notes

Today's comic features a triple-callback. We reference both Stephen's election to Czarhood and York's RPG, but also, we make use of a device Ben and I are both fans of (though we try not to over use it): the cloud of objections. Because sometimes, there is just so much wrong with a statement made by one of our characters, that we can't pick just one.

Bonus title text related anecdote: One time, when watching the movie "Dead Man" with some friends at the University of Rochester, I was reminded of the standard third-grade book-report line about Indians being a hard-working and industrious people who called corn 'maize' (this is because "Dead Man" has Indians in it). I thought using the word "maize" in the same way Smurfs use the word "Smurf" was very funny, so I proceeded to use "Maize" with a different meaning in roughly every third sentence. At least one of my dormmates was not particularly pleased by this, but eventually found my childlike glee at using the term wrong humorous enough to overlook the lack of humor in the joke itself. The moral of the story is that I can get away with bad jokes as long as I myself am entertainingly amused by them.

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