Terror Island
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Strip #234 — Monday, December 10, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

Who do you think should win the Geography City Czar election? E-mail us with the name of your favorite candidate at czarelection2007@geographycity.gov, and then watch as we pay no attention to your vote, because Geography City is a fictional place that you're not actually eligible to vote in.

Lewis's Notes

You guys may not know this, so I will let you in on a secret. I was the cutest 3-year-old-child in the history of mankind. Probably the cutest one there will ever be. Now I would prove this to you, if anyone were to tell me how to do a screencapture of a frame from a DVD played on a Macbook. Then I would be glad to show you guys how totally adorable I am. Uh, I mean how adorable I was (I was just watching some home movies that had been transferred to DVD, and so, felt the need to share this).

Oh, also, to answer a question about the strip, Stephen has five of the same tie. And by same tie, I mean numerically identical. While this would be problematic in first-order logic with identity, we like to think that the logic of Terror Island is a bit better than mere first-order logic.

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