Terror Island
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Strip #314 — Friday, June 13, 2008
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

Happy Friday the Thirteenth! I recommend celebrating this holiday by jumping out at people from behind couches or trees and shouting "Boo!" at them. Once you explain that you're doing that because it's Friday the Thirteenth, they'll laugh and think you're a swell friend.

Lewis's Notes

I hope none of you have forgotten that Ned is a dentist. Unfortunately, his super power only works within the Terror Island universe, and so it may not be obvious to all of you readers that Ned is a dentist. One day Ben and I are going to include a character whose super powers can transcend the fourth wall, but until then I'll just have to remind people about these things.

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