Terror Island
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Strip #30 — Monday, August 21, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

My fans often ask me what the hardest part of making a webcomic like Terror Island is. I would say it isn't any one thing — it's not the photography, or the writing, or even the panel layout. No, the hard part is synthesizing all these to form a unified whole. That's why working with Lewis is so helpful to my process. I'm able to take the raw material of his ideas and shape it to fit my underlying vision for the Terror Island world and all its wacky characters.

I hope that answers your question, and thanks for writing in. It's always good to hear from fans like you.

Lewis's Notes

Ben's comments may be somewhat misleading, insofar as they could be taken to imply that he has been asked that question often, or, say, at all.

Sometimes, though, people don't ask us enough questions, and that's when it is time for us to make some up.

We're still going strong at Webcomic Battle, Sunday we unseated the thirty-something day champion strip, and so that was exciting.

Ben has a convincing argument that Pluto isn't a planet, by the way. Or rather, that "planet" shouldn't encompass Pluto. It totally convinced me, so check that out.

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