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Strip #69 — Monday, November 19, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

If you like comics about the heads of former presidents and other historical figures, you should read Thinkin' Lincoln. If you don't like the sound of that description, this strip with Emperor Norton may change your mind. Also of note: Lincoln's pet cat, Theodore Mewsevelt.

Lewis's Notes

It is time for more of that webcomic advice column you love so much— Oh, I guess I should name it. It will be called, "Letters for Lewis." So, here's today's question, which comes from a Ben Heaton, of Palo Alto, Ca. Ben asks, "Isn't it great collaborating with someone like Ben Heaton?"

Well, Ben, I'm glad you asked that. First off, let me say that collaboration is an excellent general strategy. It's a lot more fun to bounce ideas off of Ben, and have Ben bounce ideas off of me than if I try and just think stuff up alone.

But, there is the worry that too many cooks, or should I say, "too many Bens" spoil the comic. I mean broth. Whatever. The point is, sometimes, it is important to put one's foot down and say, "Ben, I'm not kidding. 'Trick or Treaty' was a way better idea than you gave it credit for."

In all seriousness, though, not only would I not be doing a comic if not for Ben telling me that he and I were going to make a comic, but the comic I wouldn't be doing is hundreds of times worse than this one.

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