Terror Island
"some photos of chess pieces don't want to buy groceries?"
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Strip #140 — Friday, May 4, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

Good news! I wrote a theme song for Terror Island the other day. Like all great songs, it's to the tune of the WKRP in Cincinnati opening theme.


Baby, if you've ever wondered
Wondered whatever became of me
I'm living with a rook in Terror Island
Terror Island, Geography City

Got kind of stubborn about buying groceries
Pranks and schemes, never giving in
Maybe someday I'm just gonna starve and die
But maybe buying food would be a sin

I'm at Geography City in Terror Island

Lewis's Notes

I can one-up that:

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful duel.
That started from a lack of grapes,
and one disputed rule.
The czar was a vexillographer,
His roommate, notary.
The only one to buy some food,
was their roommate Bartleby, their roomate Bartleby

Their scheming started getting old,
Liln's boyfriend was confused.
Until the bit with Demon Jame,
no one was amused, no one was amused.
The plot occurs in the land of this impossible terror isle,
with Funhaven, First Folio too,
the Jeweler Liln, and Aorist,
the Restauranteur,
the Waiter and the giant cat,
here in Terror Isle.

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