Terror Island
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Strip #187 — Wednesday, August 27, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

Guys, David Malki ! of Wondermark made a documentary about himself and Comic-Con (to see which is better). Lewis and I are both in it, but I'd probably be recommending viewing it even if we weren't. Check it out, and watch me metaphorically deliver a sucker punch with math.

Very, very metaphorically.

Lewis's Notes

No need to tell us that the term isn't "skating boards." Ben and I both know that the mode of transport in question is actually called a horseless scooter. Our deviation from that term is called 'artistic license,' which is like a driver's license, but for art. Ben failed his artistic road test several times before getting his license, but I managed to parallel park a tricksy metaphor on my first go.

Don't get caught authoring without an artistic license. You will be forced through a long and unpleasant proceeding defending yourself from the Department of Poetic Justice. The trick to defending yourself is to throw the book at them (specifically, Kant's 'Critique of Judgment').

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