Terror Island
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Strip #188 — Friday, August 24, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

I saw Scott McCloud give a talk at the Cartoon Art Museum today, as part of his crazy fifty-state tour. Apparently he only has one state left to go — Nevada. I hope he manages it.

Also, today's comic sort of references strips #34 and #41, but since I'm not linking to them due to laziness, you'll have to figure out their URLs yourself.

Lewis's Notes

I'm not one to criticize Sid and Stephen's plans, but isn't the Bizarro version of someone is pretty much the worst possible choice to imitate them? It's like, with anyone else there is at least a chance they might do a good job, but with Bizarro whoever, you are guaranteed that they behave the exact opposite in every important respect.

PS: Apparently Ben is the person to go to for your Diatonic Accordian or Concertina repair information needs. Interestingly, Ben would have been the first person I asked if I needed that info before I saw that he had access to a video about it.

Since I'm not as lazy as Ben (at least not just now), check out these links: #34, #41

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