Terror Island
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Strip #227 — Friday, November 23, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

As you may have noticed, this strip is by Chris Yates, of Reprographics fame. Getting him to do a guest strip is really cool for me, since Reprographics has been kind of an inspiration for my own photocomicry. He did a great job nailing our tone with the Terror Elections bit, too.

Lewis's Notes

This strip is, in fact, the canonical explanation of why our comic is called "Terror Island." You might think that's the sort of thing we should have addressed on our own, but I find it's more artistically authentic to allow guest cartoonists a chance at filling in such matters. It's like how Plato didn't write about the nature of morality, because he knew that Aristotle would do a better job at it later on.

I wrote Lewis's comments today. I bet you couldn't tell it wasn't really him, though. I mentioned Aristotle and everything. -Ben

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